[Clanlib-devel] More information on XML bug in 0.8 RC1
Dan Palm
19 years ago
I thought I'd include some more sample code to
demonstrate the bug.
I've written code like this:

CL_DomText text = node.to_text();
cout << text.get_node_value();

and all I receive are odd characters. Its the same if
I use the get_text method. Again, for reference, the
XML is something like
<foobar>Text Here</foobar>

I hope you can take a look.

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Jason Green
19 years ago
Post by Dan Palm
I use the get_text method. Again, for reference, the
XML is something like
<foobar>Text Here</foobar>
The XML processing in .8 rc-1 is flawed but has been fixed in the svn
version of 0.8. rc-2 should be coming out relatively soon from my
understanding, so if you don't want to deal with subversion, then you could
hold off for a little bit and wait for the next release.

