[Clanlib-devel] uclibc patch for clanlib-0.6
James Le Cuirot
2006-06-01 11:41:52 UTC
Originally submitted this to Gentoo but they like patches to be
submitted upstream when possible...

"ClanLib 0.6 doesn't build against uclibc because the Linux CD audio
code uses fstab.h, which isn't included or implemented in uclibc. I
have written a patch that makes use of mntent.h instead. mntent.h
exists in both. Note that I have only tested that it builds, not that
it works. I don't know of any ClanLib games that use CD audio. I just
wanted to be able to play Pingus on my Gentoo/uclibc-based PlayStation
2. (-; Also note that ClanLib 0.7 builds against uclibc without any
problems but some games still need 0.6."


James Le Cuirot
