[Clanlib-devel] Another Patch
Thomi Richards
2006-07-23 04:34:30 UTC
OK, this time I read the PATCHES file and created the patch from
within the "ClanLib-0.8" directory.

This patch expands on a few potentially confusing points in the
gui-resources file in the ClanLib overview.

With regards to the ClanLib GUI, is anyone actively working on it?
There seems to be a few things that need improving...

* I can't seem to find a multi-line text input box.
* I can't see any way to control whether items can be resized or not
when loading from XML (haven't tried any other way either).
* Is it possible to show a 'resize' cursor when the mouse is over a
'resize hotspot' on a GUI component that can be resized? These
hotspots are very small...

If someone gives me a few pointers I can try to implement some of
these changes myself, provided they're relatively easy....

Seth A. Robinson
2006-07-23 05:22:17 UTC
Thanks, applied.

-Seth (mrfun in #clanlib)

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomi Richards [mailto:***@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2006 1:35 PM
To: ***@rtsoft.com; For developers of the ClanLib Game SDK.
Subject: [Clanlib-devel] Another Patch

OK, this time I read the PATCHES file and created the patch from
within the "ClanLib-0.8" directory.

This patch expands on a few potentially confusing points in the
gui-resources file in the ClanLib overview.

With regards to the ClanLib GUI, is anyone actively working on it?
There seems to be a few things that need improving...

* I can't seem to find a multi-line text input box.
* I can't see any way to control whether items can be resized or not
when loading from XML (haven't tried any other way either).
* Is it possible to show a 'resize' cursor when the mouse is over a
'resize hotspot' on a GUI component that can be resized? These
hotspots are very small...

If someone gives me a few pointers I can try to implement some of
these changes myself, provided they're relatively easy....

